28 Years Later is an upcoming post-apocalyptic horror film produced and directed by Danny Boyle from a screenplay written by Alex Garland. It is the third installment in the 28 Days Later film series, following 28 Days Later (2002) and 28 Weeks Later (2007). It stars Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Ralph Fiennes, with Cillian Murphy reprising his role from the first film.
Produced by Columbia Pictures[3] in association with the British Film Institute, Decibel Films, and DNA Films, 28 Years Later marks the returns of Boyle and Garland as director and writer after they served only as executive producers on the second film. It is scheduled to be released in the United States by Sony Pictures Releasing on 20 June 2025. It was shot back-to-back with its sequel 28 Years Later Part II: The Bone Temple, which will be directed by Nia DaCosta, written and produced by Boyle and Garland, and starring Murphy.