How to Train Your Dragon is an upcoming American action fantasy comedy film written, produced, and directed by Dean DeBlois. It is a live-action adaptation and remake of DreamWorks Animation's 2010 animated film of the same name, which itself is loosely based on the book series by Cressida Cowell. The film stars Mason Thames, Nico Parker, Nick Frost, Julian Dennison, Gabriel Howell, Bronwyn James, Harry Trevaldwyn, and Ruth Codd, with Gerard Butler reprising his role as Stoick the Vast from the animated films.
Plans for a live-action remake of 2010's How to Train Your Dragon were announced in February 2023, with DeBlois returning to write, direct, and produce after having previously worked on the animated film trilogy, while John Powell, who also worked on the original trilogy, additionally returned to compose the score of the film. Thames and Parker joined the cast by May 2023, with additional casting revealed in January 2024. Filming began later that month in Belfast, Northern Ireland and wrapped in May.
How to Train Your Dragon is set to be released theatrically by Universal Pictures in the United States on June 13, 2025.