Jurassic World Rebirth is an upcoming American science fiction action film directed by Gareth Edwards and written by David Koepp. It will be the seventh film in the Jurassic Park franchise and the fourth installment in the Jurassic World series following Jurassic World Dominion (2022). The film will star a new ensemble cast consisting of Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali, Jonathan Bailey, Rupert Friend, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Luna Blaise, David Iacono, Audrina Miranda, Philippine Velge, Bechir Sylvain, and Ed Skrein.
Development of the film was reported in January 2024, and had been underway for some time. Edwards was hired as director a month later, and casting commenced shortly thereafter. Principal photography began in June 2024, in Thailand, with subsequent filming to take place in Malta and the United Kingdom.
Jurassic World Rebirth is scheduled to be released in the United States by Universal Pictures on July 2, 2025.