Descendants: The Rise of Red is an upcoming musical fantasy film directed by Jennifer Phang from a screenplay by Dan Frey and Russell Sommer. Produced by Disney+, the film will be the fourth in the Descendants franchise, being a spin-off of the previous three films. The film will debut on July 12, 2024 on Disney+ and August 9, 2024 on Disney Channel.[1][2][3]
Kylie Cantrall and Malia Baker star in the roles of Red (daughter of Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland) and Chloe Charming (daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming from Cinderella), respectively. China Anne McClain and Melanie Paxton reprise their roles of Uma and Fairy Godmother, respectively, from previous Descendants films. Cinderella and King Charming are played by Brandy and Paolo Montalban, who previously played versions of the characters in the 1997 television adaptation of Cinderella.