The Garfield Movie is an upcoming American animated comedy film based on Jim Davis' comic strip Garfield, produced by Columbia Pictures and Alcon Entertainment (in the latter's first animated film), animated by DNEG Animation, and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. Directed by Mark Dindal from a screenplay written by David Reynolds and the writing team of Paul A. Kaplan and Mark Torgove, the film stars Chris Pratt as the voice of the titular character, alongside the voices of Samuel L. Jackson, Hannah Waddingham, Ving Rhames, Nicholas Hoult, Cecily Strong, Harvey Guillén, Brett Goldstein, and Bowen Yang.
Development on a new animated Garfield film began in May 2016, with producers and writers already attached. Dindal was announced as the film's director in November 2018, and pre-production began the following month. Despite Viacom acquiring most of the rights to Garfield in August 2019, production proceeded. In November 2021, Sony purchased the distribution rights for the film, and Pratt was cast as Garfield. The rest of the cast joined in 2022. John Debney, a frequent collaborator of Dindal, composed the score.
The Garfield Movie is set to be theatrically released in the United States on May 24, 2024.