Wish is a 2023 American computer-animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 62nd Disney animated feature film, it is directed by Chris Buck and Fawn Veerasunthorn (in her feature directorial debut), produced by Peter Del Vecho and Juan Pablo Reyes, and written by Jennifer Lee and Allison Moore. The art style combines computer animation with Disney's classic watercolor animation. The film stars the voices of Ariana DeBose, Chris Pine, Alan Tudyk, Angelique Cabral, Victor Garber, Natasha Rothwell, Jennifer Kumiyama, Evan Peters, Harvey Guillén, Ramy Youssef, Niko Vargas, Della Saba, and Jon Rudnitsky. The story focuses on a 17-year-old girl named Asha (DeBose) who makes a passionate plea to the stars in a moment of need when she senses a darkness in the Kingdom of Rosas that no one else does.
. The story focuses on a 17-year-old girl named Asha (DeBose) who makes a passionate plea to the stars in a moment of need when she senses a darkness in the Kingdom of Rosas that no one else does.
Development of Wish began in 2018 but was not publicly disclosed until January 2022, when it was revealed that Lee was writing an original film at Disney Animation. In September 2022, the project was officially announced, with the title being revealed alongside the involvement of DeBose and Tudyk. Buck and Veerasunthorn, who had worked with Lee on Frozen (2013) as co-director and story artist, respectively, were confirmed as directors the same month, with Moore later hired to join Lee in writing the screenplay. The film is inspired by Disney's 100th anniversary, which ties together a major theme across most Disney films—of wishes becoming reality. Julia Michaels and Benjamin Rice were hired to write the songs for the film, while frequent Disney orchestrator David Metzger composed the score.
Wish is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on November 22, 2023, by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.