Spider-Man: No Way Home is a 2021 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. It is intended to be the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and the 27th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Jon Watts, written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, and stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man alongside Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau, Marisa Tomei, J. B. Smoove, Benedict Wong, Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina, Willem Dafoe, Thomas Haden Church, and Rhys Ifans. In the film, Parker asks Dr. Stephen Strange (Cumberbatch) to help make his identity as Spider-Man a secret again with magic, which leads to the multiverse breaking open and allowing supervillains from alternate realities to enter Parker's universe.
A third MCU Spider-Man film was planned as early as 2017, during production on Homecoming. By August 2019, negotiations between Sony and Marvel Studios to alter their deal—in which they produce the Spider-Man films together—ended with Marvel Studios leaving the project; however, a negative fan reaction led to a new deal between the two companies a month later. Watts, McKenna, Sommers, and Holland were set to return at that time. Filming began in October 2020 in New York City, before moving to Atlanta later that month. During filming, Foxx and Molina were revealed to be appearing in the film, reprising characters from past Spider-Man film series, with more past actors and the multiverse concept of the film revealed later. The title was revealed in February 2021, before filming wrapped at the end of March.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is scheduled to be released in the United States on December 17, 2021, as part of Phase Four of the MCU. A fourth Spider-Man film is in development.