Turning Red is a 2022 American computer-animated coming-of-age fantasy comedy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios to be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures on Disney+. It is directed by Domee Shi (in her feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Shi and Julia Cho. The film stars the voices of Rosalie Chiang, Sandra Oh, Ava Morse, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Hyein Park, Orion Lee, Wai Ching Ho and James Hong. It is the first Pixar film to be solely directed by a woman.
Turning Red is scheduled to be released on Disney+ on March 11, 2022, in countries where the service is available. It will be released theatrically in countries without the streaming service. The film was intended for worldwide theatrical release, but further COVID-19 pandemic disruption due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant resulted in the change.
Set in Toronto between 2002 and 2003, the film centers around Meilin "Mei" Lee, a confident 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian who is torn between staying her mother's dutiful daughter and the chaos of adolescence. Whenever she gets too excited or stressed, she "poofs" into a giant red panda.