The Matrix Resurrections is an upcoming American science fiction action film produced, co-written, and directed by Lana Wachowski. It is the sequel to The Matrix Revolutions (2003), and serves as the fourth installment in The Matrix film series overall. Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Jada Pinkett Smith reprise their roles from previous films in the series, and they are joined by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jessica Henwick, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and Christina Ricci.
Following the release of Revolutions, the Wachowskis denied the possibility of another Matrix film, having intended the third film to be the trilogy's conclusion, though rumors emerged since then about a possible fourth Matrix film and the studio expressed interest in reviving the franchise and hired Zak Penn to write a new screenplay. In late 2019, a fourth Matrix film was finally announced, with Lana Wachowski returning as director without her sister and Reeves and Moss reprising their roles. Filming started in February 2020 but was halted the next month by the COVID-19 pandemic. Wachowski toyed with the possibility of shelving the project and leaving the film unfinished, but the cast insisted her to finish it. Filming resumed in August 2020, concluding three months later.
The film will be a joint production by Village Roadshow Pictures and Venus Castina Productions. The Matrix Resurrections will have its world premiere on December 18, 2021, in San Francisco and is scheduled to be released by Warner Bros. Pictures theatrically on December 22, 2021; it will also stream digitally on the ad-free tier of HBO Max in the United States for a month beginning on that same date.