Tom & Jerry (released internationally in some markets as Tom & Jerry: The Movie) is a 2021 live-action/computer-animated slapstick comedy film produced by Warner Animation Group and based on the characters of the same name created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The film is directed by Tim Story and written by Kevin Costello. It stars Chloë Grace Moretz, Michael Peña, Colin Jost, Rob Delaney, and Ken Jeong in live-action roles, while the voices of the titular characters are provided by Hanna, Mel Blanc and June Foray, via archival recordings, alongside Frank Welker.
Originally intended as a live-action/computer-animated film in 2009, the film languished in development hell, with plans eventually shifting to producing an entirely animated film, in the same vein as the original theatrical shorts, in 2015. The film again became a live-action/animated hybrid, using the shorts as inspiration, in 2018, with filming beginning in 2019. The story follows Jerry taking up residence in a hotel as Tom is hired to keep him from ruining an important wedding.
Tom & Jerry is set to be theatrically released by Warner Bros. Pictures in the United States on February 26, 2021, with a month-long simultaneous streaming release on HBO Max.