Scoob! (stylised as SCOOB!) is a 2020 American computer-animated adventure comedy film featuring characters from the Scooby-Doo franchise, produced by the Warner Animation Group and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. The film is directed by Tony Cervone from a screenplay by Kelly Fremon Craig and a story by Matt Lieberman, and stars the voices of Frank Welker (who, as the title character, is the only member of the original cast to reprise his role), Will Forte, Zac Efron, Gina Rodriguez, and Amanda Seyfried as the Scooby gang, with Tracy Morgan, Kiersey Clemons, Ken Jeong, Mark Wahlberg and Jason Isaacs as other classic animated characters. It is a reboot of the Scooby-Doo film series, and is intended to be the first film of a proposed set up for a Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe.
Plans for a new Scooby-Doo film began in June 2014, when Warner Bros. announced that they would reboot the Scooby-Doo film series with Randall Green writing a new film. Cervone and Dax Shepard were initially hired to direct the film, with a script written by Shepard and Matt Lieberman. By October 2018, Shepard was no longer a part of the project and was replaced by Kelly Fremon Craig as screenwriter. Much of the cast were hired in March 2019 and production began that same month. Animation services were provided by Reel FX.
Scoob! is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on May 15, 2020.