Supergirl is an American superhero television series developed by Ali Adler, Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg (the latter two having previously created Arrow and The Flash) that originally aired on CBS and premiered on October 26, 2015. It is based on the DC Comics character Supergirl, created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino, and stars Melissa Benoist in the title role. Supergirl is a costumed superheroine who is Superman's cousin and one of the last surviving Kryptonians. The series is the third series set in the Arrowverse, sharing continuity with the other television series of the franchise.
The series was officially picked up on May 6, 2015, after receiving a series commitment in September 2014, and received a full season order on November 30, 2015. Since the second season, the series has aired on The CW. The show has received generally positive reviews from critics, who have praised the creative direction, the performances, and the themes addressed. In January 2019, the series was renewed for a fifth season, which premiered on October 6, 2019.