Sonic the Hedgehog is an upcoming adventure film based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise by Sega. The film is directed by Jeff Fowler (in his feature directorial debut) and written by Patrick Casey, Josh Miller, and Oren Uziel, from a story by Casey and Miller. It stars Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic and Jim Carrey as Sonic's nemesis Doctor Robotnik, alongside James Marsden and Tika Sumpter. In the film, a small-town sheriff assists Sonic as he attempts to escape the government.
In 2013, Sony Pictures acquired the film rights to the Sonic franchise, and by 2014 had an adaptation in development. Fowler was hired to direct in 2016. After Sony put the project in turnaround, Paramount Pictures acquired it in 2017, and the majority of the cast had signed on by August 2018. Filming took place between July and October 2018 in Vancouver, Ladysmith and elsewhere on Vancouver Island.
Sonic the Hedgehog was originally scheduled for release on November 8, 2019. However, after negative fan reaction to the first trailer, which was released on April 30, Paramount delayed the film to February 14, 2020, pledging to redesign Sonic.