Terminator: Dark Fate is a 2019 American science fiction action film directed by Tim Miller with a screenplay written by David S. Goyer. The film's story was conceived by Miller and series co-creator James Cameron, with the latter also serving as a producer alongside David Ellison. It will be the sixth installment in the Terminator franchise, though it serves as a direct sequel to The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, disregarding all other Terminator works as occurring in alternate timelines. The film will star Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger to return in their iconic roles Sarah Connor and T-800, alongside Mackenzie Davis, Gabriel Luna, Natalia Reyes, and Diego Boneta. Distributed by Paramount Pictures in North America and 20th Century Fox under Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures in other territories, the film will be scheduled to be released on November 1, 2019.