Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (also known as Detective Pikachu) is a 2019 family film directed by Rob Letterman and written by Nicole Perlman and Letterman, based on the video game of the same name. The film is an American and Japanese joint venture produced by Legendary Pictures, The Pokémon Company, Warner Bros. Pictures, and Toho. It will be the first live-action film based on the Pokémon franchise. The film stars Ryan Reynolds as the voice of Detective Pikachu, with Justice Smith, Kathryn Newton and Ken Watanabe in live-action roles.
It is scheduled to be released by Warner Bros. Pictures in Real D 3D on May 10, 2019, making it the first Pokémon film to get a wide theatrical release in the United States since Pokémon 3: The Movie in 2001.