Halloween is a 2018 American slasher film directed by David Gordon Green and written by Green, Jeff Fradley, and Danny McBride. It is the eleventh installment in the Halloween franchise, and is a direct sequel to the 1978 film of the same name, while disregarding the continuity of the previous sequels. After failing to develop a new Halloween film in time, Dimension Films lost the filming rights, which were later obtained by Blumhouse Productions, with John Carpenter's involvement. Carpenter, co-creator of the original Halloween, serves as a composer, executive producer and creative consultant for the film. Carpenter also said that this will be the final installment in the Halloween series.
Set forty years after the original film, Laurie Strode comes face-to-face with Michael Myers for one final showdown on Halloween night. Jamie Lee Curtis and Nick Castle reprise their roles as Strode and Myers, respectively, with stuntman James Jude Courtney also portraying Myers. The film also stars Judy Greer, Andi Matichak, Will Patton, and Virginia Gardner.
Principal photography commenced on January 13, 2018, in South Carolina and concluded on February 19, 2018. The film will premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in September, and is set for release on October 19, 2018, a week before the 40th anniversary of John Carpenter's original Halloween.