Alpha is a 2018 American historical drama film directed by Albert Hughes and written by Dan Wiedenhaupt. The film stars Kodi Smit-McPhee, Leonor Varela and Jens Hultén, and follows a young hunter who befriends an injured wolf during the Ice Age.
An epic adventure set in the last Ice Age. Europe, 20,000 years ago. While on his first hunt, an initiation to his tribe’s most elite group, a young man is injured and left for dead after it goes horribly wrong. Awaking to find himself broken, alone, and miles from his village - he must learn to survive and navigate the harsh and unforgiving wilderness. Reluctantly taming a lone wolf abandoned by its pack, the pair learn to rely on each other and become unlikely allies, enduring countless dangers and overwhelming odds in order to find their way home before the deadly winter arrives.