The Hitman's Bodyguard is a 2017 American action comedy film directed by Patrick Hughes and written by Tom O'Connor. The film stars Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Élodie Yung and Salma Hayek.
The plot follows a bodyguard who is hired to protect a hitman who has to testify at the International Court of Justice. It is scheduled to be released in the United States on August 18, 2017.
A special protection agent (Ryan Reynolds) is tasked with guarding the life of his mortal enemy, who is one of the world's most notorious hitmen (Samuel L. Jackson), and taking him from England to the International Court of Justice. On their way, they are on high-speed car chases and boat escapes as deadly assassins are pursuing them and they are forced to work together in order to defeat a ruthless, powerful and bloodthirsty Eastern European dictator (Gary Oldman)