Pont Fawr, famous medieval stone bridge across the river Conwy, and court house covered in red ivy Llanrwst, Caernarfon, North Wales, United Kingdom
Date: 2/18/2019
Views: 994
Keywords: great britain, ancient, arch, bridge, building, caernarfon, conwy, cottage, court, covered, gwynedd, house, red ivy llanrwst, landmark, medieval, national, nobody, north wales, old, picturesque, pont fawr, pretty, quaint, scenic, river, snowdonia, stone
Log Cabin in the Woods, British Columbia
Date: 11/18/2011
Views: 3062
Keywords: British Columbia, tree, bare, bare tree, cabin, Canada, cold, dwelling, fog, house, landscape, log cabin, mist, natural world, nobody, North America, old-fashioned, Pacific Northwest, province, quaint, remote, rustic, scenic, seasons, secluded, snow, snow